The Church bell behind the chimney Tolls Pealing far and wide Another Brother or Sister gone The chimneys sit silently Watching the souls of the dead arise
There may yet come a day When good men are remembered Not for daring deeds or mighty works But for what they left behind Maybe for the hearts they touched Or perhaps for the trees they planted
The unforgiving eye of insomnia and delirium Skittering among the dark trees of the bedroom ceiling The cracks in the plaster portals to another more horrifying world Eight days waiting for the correct medicine to reduce my fever And fight this infection
While the Black Dog prowls among the dark trees... and howls And in my stupor I cannot be certain if the howls are his or mine. And the question most often asked is Is this the way old soldiers are sent home to die? Without even a Goodbye Kiss Is this the way old soldiers are sent home to die?